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- TidBITS#58/29-Apr-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
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- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/29-Apr-91
- The SE/30 Colorized
- The Scientific Mac
- Excel Upgrade Costs
- Open Letter To Apple
- Reviews/29-Apr-91
- MailBITS/29-Apr-91
- ------------------
- Dave Kosiur writes, "I looked over your last few TidBITS and was
- taken in by the SentientNET April Fools' joke. However, even
- though you've now pointed readers towards the DCE stuff for other
- machines, there's something even closer to home - for Macs. Apple,
- through its Advanced Technology Group and university research fund
- (or whatever it's called), has been working with a group at the
- StatLab in Heidelberg on a project called NetWork. It's currently
- designed to work on AppleTalk networks and lets you distribute
- processing over the network to other machines. They've worked very
- carefully to insure that the extra processing does not interfere
- with the user's work - in this case, the network process backs off
- immediately if someone starts doing something on that Mac. The
- examples they provide with the code are: RemoteJob, a way to
- handle distributed use of MPW; Spinning Brain, a neural net that
- runs on the network; and ScreenSaver, an app that can be launched
- over the net when a machine is idle. The pertinent information and
- code has been available on the last two Developer's CDs. It's
- pretty interesting." [Would anyone who is familiar with this
- technology like to write an article about it?]
- And speak of the devil. Guenther Sawitzki writes in a recent
- Info-Mac Digest, " The new version 1.2b2 of the NetWork software
- for distributed computing is on our file server statlab.uni-
- heidelberg.de [] and is accessible by anonymous FTP
- (binary!). The release version 1.2 is scheduled for Developer CD
- VII. Here are some rarely noticed features: If you have a folder
- "NetWork Idle Tools" in your system folder, any program which you
- have in this folder will be launched as your machine becomes idle.
- See the "Screen Saver" example. Any program in a folder "NetWork
- Startup Tools" in your system folder is launched when you start
- your system."
- Information from:
- David Kosiur -- D0591@AppleLink.Apple.COM
- G. Sawitzki -- gs@statlab.uni-heidelberg.de
- The SE/30 Colorized
- -------------------
- The oldest Mac still in Apple's current product line is the
- venerable SE/30. When the SE/30 first came out, people quickly
- became fond of it because of its combination of IIcx power and SE
- size. It also gained a few converts later on in its lifetime when
- people who owned the SE decided to increase power by upgrading the
- SE to the SE/30, which is what we did last year. So why has the
- SE/30 been able to hang on while the IIcx and IIx have fallen by
- the wayside? Primarily, the SE/30 offers an attractive combination
- of small size, good speed, and acceptable expandability despite
- its lack of NuBus slots. The main problems facing the SE/30 these
- days are the small screen and the 24-bit ROMs that will not let
- you use System 7.0 to its fullest. With System 7.0, the 24-bit
- ROMs limit you to 13 MB of RAM (that's a maximum of 8 MB worth of
- DRAM SIMMs plus whatever virtual memory you need to have a total
- of 13 MB RAM - you probably wouldn't want to use a system
- configured to a total of 13 MB unless 8 MB of that RAM was from
- real memory). So if you install eight 4 MB SIMMs, you'll still
- only get 13 MB of usable RAM (that's one reason for petitioning
- Apple for new ROMs - see below). For the moment, I'll just address
- what can be done about the screen.
- The most common expansion that an SE/30 will experience is the
- addition of an external monitor. The compact size of the SE case
- restricts the SE/30 to the 9" monitor, but the Processor Direct
- Slot (PDS) can hold a video card to drive an external monitor. The
- PDS has never been as popular as NuBus, so you won't find as many
- choices of cards for the PDS, though several have appeared over
- the years. As far as video cards go, the most popular 8-bit card
- appears to be the Micron Xceed card (the one we have), which runs
- about $350 mail order and supports 640 x 480 color monitors.
- Micron also has an 8-bit card which supports 1024 x 768 monitors.
- Another popular card is the RasterOps 264/SE30 card, which costs a
- bit more than the Micron card but provides 24-bit color. SuperMac
- also may have a ColorCard SE/30, which is also slightly more
- expensive than the Micron Xceed, but I haven't heard much about
- this card in quite some time, so it may no longer be in
- production. Finally, Nutmeg Systems has two SE/30 video cards as
- well ($400 for an 8-bit color card or $500 for a card to drive a
- full page display), though we have no specifics short of a brief
- ad in the MacConnection catalog. MacConnection also mentions
- several MegaGraphics card/large monitor combinations, but no one
- on the nets had said anything about these.
- Once you have a video card, you need a monitor. The Apple 13"
- color monitor is always a good choice, though it tends to be more
- expensive than others. That's the one we bought because of the
- educational discount. Other popular monitors include a Magnavox
- 13" color monitor (about $530 from MacConnection), the Sony 1304
- for a bit more than $600 from various places, and the Seiko
- CM1445C (about $600 from MacAvenue). Those three monitors all use
- the same Sony Trinitron guts that Apple puts in its 13" color
- monitor, and thus should be fairly similar in picture quality.
- Another popular monitor is the NEC MacSync, but its lower price
- (about $500 from Mac's Place) seems to be reflected in lower
- quality - people on the nets have been less pleased with the
- MacSync. Of course, a monitor is a subjective beast, so if it's at
- all possible, use the monitor before buying or at least make sure
- you can return it if you don't like it. Also keep in mind that
- installing a video card in an SE/30 is not a trivial job and you
- probably don't want to mess with it unless you're quite familiar
- with discharging monitors and connecting cables in irritatingly
- small places. It took me a while to install my Micron card, and
- while it wasn't hard, it was a pain.
- It's relatively easy to add a larger color monitor, and the dual
- monitors are well worth the cost. I'm completely addicted to the
- dual monitor setup because it allows me to keep Remember?,
- Timeslips III, QuickMail, and ThoughtPattern open on the little
- monitor and use the large monitor for my primary work (i.e.
- writing TidBITS in Nisus :-)). You will notice that many programs
- are not smart about remembering their window positions or zooming
- to the correct monitor size, but these are minor drawbacks
- considering how much more productive you become when you have a
- lot of windows open at once.
- Micron Technology -- 800/642-7661 -- 208/386-3800
- Nutmeg Systems -- 202/966-3226
- RasterOps Corp. -- 408/562-4200
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Dieder -- UOG01162@vm.uoguelph.ca
- Paul Jacoby -- pj@pnet51.orb.mn.org
- David Hightower -- dth@shark.cis.ufl.edu
- Puneet Pasrich -- pasrich@seas.ucla.edu
- Pottie Karl -- kpottie@icarus.cs.kuleuven.ac.be
- The Scientific Mac
- ------------------
- Every now and then a scientist or engineer complains about how the
- Mac is lousy for scientific and engineering applications. That
- certainly was more true a few years back, before the Mac II and
- large color monitors, but we hope that the gap is narrowing. A
- recently formed group, MacSciTech (the Macintosh Scientific and
- Technical Users Association), will try to aid this trend, planning
- to "enhance the effective utilization of the Macintosh within the
- scientific and engineering communities." Nothing like a little
- engineering-speak to round out a meal of business-speak.
- Apple and the Consortium for Laboratory and Industrial
- Applications of the Macintosh, Inc. announced MacSciTech's
- formation at the recent AppleTech '91 show. MacSciTech will try to
- merge the realms of the user group and the professional
- association. In its user group hat, MacSciTech will open up
- channels of communication on various electronic services,
- administrate public domain software archives on the Internet, and
- publish a quarterly newsletter. The professional association hat
- will focus more on official communications with Apple and will
- host an annual technical conference. Sounds like fun all around.
- I'm neither an engineer nor a scientist, but I think that this
- group will do a great deal of good for the Mac in the scientific
- and engineering fields. My impression is that the Mac fares poorly
- in such fields in comparison to machines like Sun's workstations.
- Since people do a great deal of interesting work solely on high
- end computers, it's in the interests of all Macintosh users to
- cultivate high-end research as well as the low-end marketing that
- Apple has concentrated on recently. MacSciTech's Board of
- Directors sounds like a group that can help the Mac out, including
- people from academia, business, and government, including Cliff
- Stoll, who probably wants to return to being an astronomer
- already.
- On to the details. For the rest of 1991, charter member dues will
- be $25 per year with the starving student rate being $15 per year.
- Hmm, that wasn't much in the way of details. If you want more of
- them, you can contact Shari Worthington at the addresses below.
- MacSciTech -- 508/755-5242
- cons.lab.mfg on AppleLink
- SciTechMac on America Online
- scitech@ra.nrl.navy.mil
- Information from:
- MacSciTech propaganda (complete with organizational chart)
- Excel Upgrade Costs
- -------------------
- Ah, it's spring, the season of the year when a company turns its
- thoughts to software upgrades. I was going to say "when young
- companies..." but since the company I have in mind is Microsoft, a
- relative geezer at 15 years old, it wasn't quite appropriate.
- Macintosh Excel 3.0 will be out very soon, and 2.2 owners have
- started receiving upgrade letters. The letter we saw gave the
- owner the chance to upgrade for a "truly exceptional price - only
- $129." And that's for the academic version - it might be different
- for the real one (I have heard numbers like $149 floating around,
- so perhaps that's the price for the normal-people version.)
- "Exceptional" is right! That's a lot of money for an upgrade!
- Actually the real price is $129 plus $5.50 for shipping and
- handling and sales tax where appropriate (I assume in Washington
- state, but I'm not sure). If you bought Excel after Pearl Harbor
- Day (Microsoft just said December 7th, for those of you not in the
- US) you luck out and get the upgrade for free. The deal is good
- through Halloween (OK, so they only put October 31st as the date -
- but it is Halloween). It would have been funnier if Microsoft had
- actually said Pearl Harbor Day and Halloween, but as it stands,
- all you can really laugh at is the "exceptional" price, and that's
- only funny if you don't have to pay it.
- The upgrade price raised a ruckus on Usenet, where people started
- complaining quickly. The upgrade price for 2.2 was $99, so another
- $129 struck most people as steep. Many got Excel 2.2 at
- educational prices, which in many cases are lower than the upgrade
- fee - at least one person said he could buy another copy 2.2 at
- the campus bookstore for $105 and upgrade to 3.0 for free, saving
- money in the process. A number of people wondered about Claris's
- forthcoming spreadsheet, Resolve, which should be System 7.0-
- compliant, if not System 7.0-studly. Resolve uses the Wingz
- technology that Claris purchased from Informix a while back, so it
- might be pretty snazzy. Wingz has a HyperTalk-like language called
- HyperScript, and since Claris now controls HyperCard, I'd like to
- see HyperScript disappear in favor of HyperTalk along with
- spreadsheet-specific extensions to the language. Now that would be
- snazzy! If Claris was smart and sleazy, they would use a standard
- Microsoft ploy and announce Resolve now so lots of people would
- hold off upgrading to Excel 3.0. Microsoft does that all the time
- - announcing a product too early to gain a competitive advantage.
- What especially galls about this upgrade price is that Microsoft
- is making a bundle on it - far more, in fact, than on a new
- package. New packages often must go through a national distributor
- and a dealer or mail order firm, so everyone gets a slice of the
- price, and new packages usually have more packaging and more
- manuals than upgrades, so they cost more to produce. One person on
- Usenet intelligently anticipated this and other high upgrade
- prices (want to bet on how high the upgrade price for Word 5 will
- be?), saying, "I just knew this would happen after their last
- upgrade so I made my Mac a "Microsoft-free zone" a year ago."
- To be fair, Excel 3.0 does look like a nice program, and Microsoft
- has a history of getting it right on the third try. But such
- upgrade policies will not endear the company to anyone and will
- leave the market wide open for a touch of Borland-style marketing
- for Claris's Resolve when it comes out. I'd recommend complaining
- to Microsoft directly - they will notice if enough complaints
- come in. Heck, I'd complain even if you plan on upgrading.
- Information from:
- Kevin -- blissmer@expert.cc.purdue.edu
- Rich Long -- long@mcntsh.enet.dec.com
- Jeff Hexter -- jhex_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
- Derek Fong -- thewho@elaine23.Stanford.EDU
- Patrick Hoepfner -- hoepfner@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Rick McCormack -- Rick_McCormack@mindlink.bc.ca
- Jeff Wiseman -- wiseman@tellabs.com
- Open Letter To Apple
- --------------------
- Editor's Note: Below is the final draft of the letter I will be
- sending to Apple and many of the Macintosh publications. If you
- support the letter as it stands and desire to be included as a
- signatory, please send me an email message stating that you
- support the letter and wish to be included as a signatory. Please
- include your full name and snail/email addresses - I want this to
- be as official as possible. If you do not wish to use your work
- address, fine by me - I don't want to get anyone in trouble.
- Many thanks to all of you who have already sent email supporting
- the letter, and I wish to thank Jim Gaynor especially for doing
- most of the work. I am merely picking up where he was forced to
- leave off, and I hope I will be able to produce as fine a finished
- product as he would have.
- Sincerely, Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor and pseudo-chair of the
- NewROMs group.
- An Open Letter to Apple Computer, Inc.
- With the advent of System 7.0, 32-bit Addressing, and the new
- low-cost Macintoshes, Apple Computer has shown that it remains
- committed to enhancing the capabilities of the Macintosh line of
- computers without abandoning its users. However, in that effort to
- advance technology, past technologies should not be abandoned
- haphazardly, nor should unfulfilled potentials be left unrealized.
- Apple advertised and documented the Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, and
- SE/30 as having the capability to address as much as 128 MB of
- memory, an amount that should be sufficient for most users years
- into the future. In addition, Apple had the foresight to
- manufacture the Macintosh IIx, IIcx, and SE/30 with their System
- ROMs on SIMMs. This feature, touted by Apple as a selling point,
- was to allow these machines to easily upgrade their System ROMs at
- such time as that became necessary. That time rapidly approaches.
- Users discovered that the current System ROMs for these
- Macintoshes are not "32-bit Clean." Thus, rather than having 128
- MB of memory space available as they believed, users of these
- Macintoshes are limited to 16 MB - even less after the addition of
- expansion cards. Businesses, educational institutions, and
- individuals have invested in these Macintoshes, and although 16 MB
- may be adequate for many users, many others already find that
- limit restrictive. As Apple continues to move towards full 32-bit
- Cleanliness in its software and hardware, more users will
- encounter this 16 MB barrier, and find their otherwise capable
- Macintoshes hamstrung by "dirty" ROMs.
- Users and administrators have looked to Apple for an initiative,
- for some plan of upgrading the ROMs of these Macintoshes, but none
- has come forth. Apple designed the Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, and
- SE/30 to be easily upgraded but has neither utilized the upgrade
- potential of these systems nor announced an intent to do so.
- We, the users, owners, and administrators of these Macintosh
- computers, would like to see Apple make a public statement
- regarding its plans to make a ROM upgrade available. We would hope
- that this upgrade be made available within a reasonable time
- frame, and at a reasonable cost to businesses, educational
- institutions, and individuals alike. We understand that Apple may
- wish to implement a strict return policy on the old ROMs to
- prevent unauthorized Macintosh clones. We also understand that
- Apple may wish to add additional features to such an upgrade, and
- that those features may add to the time required. A quality
- product is worth the wait required for its production, as is shown
- by the eagerly-anticipated System 7.0. Still, we hope that Apple
- Computer will recognize the unfulfilled potential of those
- Macintoshes with "dirty" ROMs and provide them with the means to
- realize their full 32-bit potential.
- We thank you for your commitment to the Macintosh User Community.
- Reviews/29-Apr-91
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- JPEG Compressors, pg. 29
- Colorsqueeze
- ImpressIt
- Image Compressor
- PicturePress
- PicturePress w/Accelerator
- NewTek Video Toaster, pg. 29
- * InfoWorld
- FreeHand 3.0, pg. 83
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 23-Apr-91, Vol. 5, #16
- InfoWorld -- 22-Apr-91, Vol. 13, #16
- ..
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